14 September 2024

Best AI email assistants to increase your productivity

Learn how to better manage your emails without zero stress

Coming back from vacation should feel rejuvenating. But facing hundreds of unread emails? Not so much. No one looks forward to spending another 28% of their working week managing emails (according to McKinsey). So that means you spending more than 10 hours in your inbox sending and receiving an average of 1620 emails!

That sounds horrid. With these simple strategies - and some help from AI - you'll catch up in no time.

1. Summarize long email threads quickly

One of the biggest challenges after vacation is sorting through long email threads. It’s time-consuming and exhausting to read through each message, especially when the conversation has multiple replies and forwards.

Instead of spending hours reading every email, you can use Clevermail to quickly summarize entire threads. With just one click, Clevermail provides an instant, concise summary of the conversation, highlighting the key points and saving you valuable time.

Summaries long email threads

2. Only check emails at specific times

Hitting refresh on emails multiple times a day just isn't productive. Instead set aside specific times.

  • Check Email Twice Per Day: Start your morning by checking your inbox before diving into deep-focus tasks. Then check your email again in the afternoon when you need a break from other tasks. By limiting email checks to twice a day, you’ll free up the rest of your time for more productive work. That is our goal for you at Clevermail.
  • Turn Off Notifications: Make sure to turn off email notifications on your devices. This will help you avoid the temptation of checking your inbox every time a new message arrives.
  • Batch Work Using the Pomodoro Technique: When you do work on emails, try the Pomodoro Technique, where you set a timer for 25 minutes, work through as many emails as you can during that time, and then take a 5-minute break. This way, you can stay focused and avoid email burnout.

3. Prioritize your emails manually

The first step is to quickly sort through your inbox and decide which emails need your attention the most. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize emails into four folders:

  • Urgent & Important: Respond to these right away.
  • Urgent but Not Important: Handle at the end of the day.
  • Not Urgent but Important: Schedule time for these later.
  • Not Urgent & Not Important: Archive or delete to clear your inbox.

By prioritizing what’s truly important, you can manage your time more effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed. We've got some cool features in the pipeline that is going to help you instantly categorize emails so you can reply to emails even faster.

4. Use the 1-Click and 3-Sentence Rules

Chris Ducker's 1-click rule and 3-sentence rule truly have helped our team to better manage emails:

  • 1-click rule: Commit to only opening an email once. Once opened, you must take action – archive it, respond to it, or move it to your task list.
  • 3-sentence rule: Keep all replies to three sentences or fewer. This forces you to get straight to the point and reduces the time spent on overly crafted responses.

Better yet, try writing just 3 bullet points instead, and Clevermail will transform them into a well-crafted, personalized email. Say goodbye having to write "hope you're well...blah".

5. Use Fullscreen to Eliminate Distractions

When catching up on emails, distractions are your worst enemy. If you have multiple tabs open or notifications popping up, it’s easy to lose focus.

  • Tip: Maximize your email client or browser window to fullscreen mode to reduce distractions. This keeps you focused solely on the task at hand.
  • How to Go Fullscreen: Windows: Press F11, macOS: Press CMD + Shift + F

By eliminating the noise from other open tabs or apps, you can focus entirely on your inbox.

Getting back from vacation doesn’t need to mean drowning in emails. By using simple strategies like prioritizing your inbox, batching your email work, and following the 1-click and 3-sentence rules, you can manage your inbox quickly and efficiently. And with tools like Clevermail, you can automate the more tedious parts of email management to get back to what matters most.

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